Monday, January 30, 2006

Free e-book on AIDS in South Africa

Item Source: SciDevNet

An AIDS epidemic as severe as the one plowing through South Africa will change society. But how and along what lines? Buckling: The impact of AIDS in South Africa, a new publication by South African writer and journalist Hein Marais, tackles the question in distinctive and critical-minded fashion — and arrives at disquieting conclusions.

Published by the Centre for the Study of AIDS at the University of Pretoria, and based on a comprehensive review of published sociological and epidemiological research, this multidisciplinary study scrutinises commonplace conceptions of AIDS impact, presents a fresh understanding of the epidemic's consequences in South Africa, and proposes a minimum package of social adjustments that could reduce the damage.

Electronic copies can be downloaded at

Hard copies can be ordered from or by writing to:
Centre for the Study of AIDS
University of Pretoria
Pretoria 0002
South Africa


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